MCC – Multi Crew Concept

If you would like to fly as part of a crew, you will need training in multi-crew cooperation (MCC).

Proflight Nordic’s MCC programme will teach you how to communicate in an organised way and how to distribute a crew’s work load. Our ultra-modern simulator is also an invaluable tool that will help you master MCC skills.

Proflight Nordic offers two types of MCC training programme, VFR and IFR:

” VFR consists of 15 hours’ training divided between four sessions as the pilot flying (PF) and pilot monitoring (PM).

” IFR consists of 20 hours’ training divided between five sessions as the pilot flying (PF) and pilot monitoring (PM).

Training sessions are usually four hours long and are divided into two-hour blocks with a break in between.

The course includes

For VFR:
• 15 hours in our ultra-modern flight simulator divided between four sessions

For IFR:
• 20 hours in our ultra-modern flight simulator divided between five sessions

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